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Bullet 3:05 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
Not really bruuno, my neighbours cat had 9 lives

Alwaysaniron 3:18 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
bruuuno 3:03 Fri May 29

ag ag

Typical WHO... Prepared to laugh in the face of pain!

AKA ERNIE 3:24 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
I ron sorry mate thats bollox the oldest cat i look after is 23yo and know few 20 plus
Its just the thoroughbreds through inbreeding that live to about 14

Eggbert Nobacon 3:25 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
when I was 18 human years old I didn't eat much or move from my bed very often unless vital either so I wouldn't worry

AKA ERNIE 3:26 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
Woody has the cat drunk anything ?
If not will be de hydrated so would need to put on a drip at vets.
Easy to check pinch some skin and it doesnt pop straight back into place then its dehydrated

After8 3:37 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.

Go to the vet. now.

Also the vets going to want to know if bubbles has been drinking water ok too.

This happened to my Ludo poor thing and unfortunately the game was up so to speak.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 3:42 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
AKA ERNIE 3:24 Fri May 29

Shit! Does that mean my Missus' 16 year old mog is going to live for ages yet?

greenie1 3:42 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
Had our cat (17yrs old) put to sleep recently, daft I know, but I do miss it.

Russ of the BML 3:47 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
Just tell it that Sam has got his job back. Obviously down in the dumps over the big man going.

young woody 3:51 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
I’m back in work now so will have when I am home - All though the worldy and some of my mates are coming over.

Fucking nightmare

GillyMills 3:51 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
My cat Ozzy, was very lethargic a couple of months ago, wouldn't eat and we spoon fed him water. This went on for a few days and we thought he was on his last legs. He recovered and is back to his old self now, nearly 13 years old.

young woody 3:52 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
I will take the food to her after work and some water.
See what happens.

neilalex 3:53 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
Not really. Prime opportunity to show your caring nature to the worldy; do the right fucking thing and help your poor cat.

Gavros 3:55 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
Are you gay or just digit, woody son?

After8 3:55 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
The "wordly" will understand, females are programmed to care about animals. If she doesn't then she's heartless and you have to chuck her,you can't have an uncaring bitch girl friend.

JustAFatKevinDavies 3:57 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
have you tried drop kicking it?

pdbis 3:57 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
Cat aids?

After8 3:58 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
That's very mean Davies. Maybe you'd liked to be drop kicked?

64 65 66 3:59 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
Take her to the vet asap, my cat went through the same, he had an infection and could have died if we left it for another day

penners28 4:03 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
Whatsapp me hun x

w4hammer 4:10 Fri May 29
Re: I am worried about the cat. Please help.
get a thermometer ( dont warm it) lift Bubbles tail up and effect an entry - if Bubbles yelps or gives you a look, she'll be fine...

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